Tuesday, August 30, 2011


               simplicity in nature, but so beautiful in stance....love the layering of ones reading material
               placed upon this worn chair...found this lovely piece of art on lambertnyc.blogspot.com

               and this room is so quiet and soothing.........................very peaceful place to take a nap, don't
               you think?  I love simple...textural pieces, they really stand out. teenangster.net  enjoy your day
               today. kelly 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Nooks: Places to while away the day in utter bliss

I would lounge in this space and be in complete contentment. This space is not too big...comfy and
calling out my name...pure bliss.  Where do you retreat to relax with a book or lounge for inspiration?


find time to pamper yourself...in utter relaxation today and rejuvenate your soul......peace and love ...kelly

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Beautiful Creature

this owl captivated me and had to post it. found it on the lovely oraclefox.blogspot.com
they are such unique creatures with eyes that look into your soul. Whenever I see them, I'm inspired by
their beauty. Absolutely breathtaking.

I've been thinking a lot about possessions

especially when you make a big move and have to downsize...........
I've never bought showroom furniture or been much of a matchy...matchy accessory buyer.
Each of my pieces have been found, gathered, given to me and have a story...a memory behind it.

Is it weird to morn these items...like an old friend?

When people say...you can just find new things...I cringe.
I don't want to just go out ...and replace new for old
It takes time...and I'm sure in time, I'll create a place of comfort for my soul, once again.

peace and love and creativity to you on this beautiful day.